The Federal Govt agreed to fund the first phase of the development project of BIBI PAK DAMAN shrine on request of Dr Asma Mamdot, MPA (PML-F).
The first installment of ten crores was released followed by eight crores to the Govt of Punjab so that the development maybe started.
A grant of Rupees two and a half Crores was previously given by the Prime Minister of Pakistan for the development of the holy shrine of BIBI PAK DAMAN on request of Syed Ibrar Hussain Shah MPA (PPP)
Benefits to the Punjab Gov.
It will increase religious tourism as it will attract followers from all over the world.
It will increase revenue as it is the 2nd biggest source for Auqaf after Data Sahib.
It will create religious harmony amongst the masses as as it’s the center of various Muslim sects who comes here regularly and pay homage.
A Unique Blessing for the Sub-Continent
We have the unique blessing of having the shrine of Syeda Ruqaiya in Lahore. Her sacred resting place includes the first mosque of the sub-continent. The Holy Shrine of Hazrat Ruqaiya is the only one of its kind in South Asia. Renowned saints like Data Ganj Baksh Ali Hajveri, Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, Syed Jalaluddin Uchvi Bokhari and Moinuddin Chishti (r.a) are known to have found spiritual enlightenment from her sacred shrine, Where they paid regular homage. This Holy ground was the sole fountain for the spread of Islamic preachings and an important portal for all religious sects at the time.