- Narrow roads leading to traffic jams.
- In case of emergency no ambulance access to the shrine.
- No Parking available. Need for secure efficient parking with guards.
- A Single narrow encroached lane leading up to the shrine. People stop to shop and there is no space for zireen to go towards the holy shrine.
- le entry and exit for both males and females
- A spacious entrance to the shrine is necessary for security check sand bottleneck cancellation.
- Before the main entrance security checking machines and personnel to be in place with effective security instruments (i.e. metal detectors, arms detectors etc).
- Shoe rack right next to the entry further blocking the way and women are pushed around.
- The poor zireen cannot afford the shoe rack thus leave them around to be lost or stolen.
- Shoe rack should be free and separate for ladies and gents.
- The lavatories are in deplorable condition and are not segregated.
- The washrooms are made by donors yet the department gave them on “theka” to a favored “thekaydar” who is doing nothing for the upkeep.
- The poor zireen come from far flung areas and cannot afford the lavatories.
- They are forced to pollute the area around the causing problems for the shopkeepers.
- They come as families to stay fro few days. There is no place to stay and they cannot afford all the charges enforced by the department. As per family cost should be calculated.
- The place is in total darkness at night which laed ton various dangerous crimes.
- A generator is installed but there is no operator and no diesel despite constant request placed to the department.
- Locked infirmary as no doctor or facilities.
- Langar khana is in deplorable condition. Needs to be relocated as it firther causes disarray and food should not be alloed inside the congested darbar as it becomes a breeding ground for insects and pests.
- The police chokkiis manned by corrupt Police Officers do not facilitate the zireens instead aid criminal around and harass the zireen.
- The prayer area of Holy Lady has turned in to a black hole by the diyas, a hindu custom, probably used when no electricity was available.
- The prayer are needs to be restored and prayer mat with a Holy Qura’an be placed.
- The department allowed an illegal shrine to come up further congesting the already congested place and despite notification orders is taking no steps in the right directions.
- Another 1 canal 4 marlas belonging to the shrine right next to this illegal occupation is being ignored by the department.
- Despite the need for space conservation, the 1 canal 4marlas area retrieved from “Baba Mastan” has it seems been purposefully and callously sabotaged by the project director Auqaf by placing a water turbine in the center of the plot thus blocking what could have been utilized as a separate female entry.
- Data Ali Hajvery and other Aulia Karam would come on their knees to pay homage to this Holy Lady.
- The place where Data Sahib sat needs to be beautiful with due respect.
- Perhaps the only place in the sub-continent where suni shia come in harmony to pray.
- There is no place to pray though leave alone pray to stand.
- Why such neglect?
- While the rich can afford to go to the physic, the poor can whh… their troubles in such Holy places and go back with the hope of being heard.
- And the particular shrine belongs to a pious lady whose father was a shaheed. Whose brothers were shaheed. Whose husband was a shaheed, who sacrificed her four sons for Islam and who herself is a shaheed. If Allah Almighty will not listen her who will He listen to!!